How To--Steak N' Everything Sandwiches

>> Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Okay, so we used to call these "Philly Cheesesteaks" but we had to change the name because, in reality, they are much more than that. These fantastic yummy sandwiches are a MEAL and they are literally DELICIOUS.

A backstory for you: my friend Lisa and I used to cook 2x a week for each other's families for dinner. It meant that I had two nights off a week, and we got to experience new recipes. It was a WIN-WIN. One month I brazenly said in an attempt to be daring and fun, "I will make Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches."

And I had never made them in my life.

So, with my fantastic husband at my side, I threw some things on a skillet, and one of our favorite meals of all time was created. It took a couple of times to get it PERFECT (and I'll reveal soon what made it PERFECT).

And now, without further ado, I give unto you STEAK N' EVERYTHING SANDWICHES

Recipe: (This makes 4-6 sandwiches, depending on how much you use per sandwich)
1-3 Peppers (bell of some sort) (depending on how much you like)
1 big onion or a couple of green onions (depending on what kind you like)
2 cloves of garlic (or more, or less, whatever)
3 roma tomato
(You could do mushrooms, but um, blech.)

From The Diet Coke Diet

4 oz of cheddar cheese
From The Diet Coke Diet
1  pound of roast beef (I get mine fresh from the deli. It's BETTER!)
Some kind of fancy rolls (we used bollio this time, we've used artesian breads and did paninis once, that was fun)

Now the how-to:
Chop up your veggies. (Only chop up 1 tomato, save the rest for later) My food processor is in a box somewhere, so I hand chopped it all, and I was unhappy.
From The Diet Coke Diet

Chop or tear your roast beef
Preheat a large skillet on HIGH
Sautee the veggies DO NOT ADD OIL, 2 minutes or so.
From The Diet Coke Diet
Throw in the roast beef. It is fatty enough that you don't need oil.
Cook on high for just a few minutes. The red of the roast beef will disappear.
Turn down the heat. (This is when I realized I needed a bigger skillet. So I upgraded.)
From The Diet Coke Diet
From The Diet Coke Diet
Add the cream cheese. Stir it all up. (I bought an 8oz container and used 1/2 of it. Much more might be too much.)
From The Diet Coke Diet

(At this point it will smell so dang good, but don't dive in yet, you'll get burned.)

Add the cheddar cheese. Stir.
From The Diet Coke Diet
Let simmer on low for five or so minutes. In truth you can leave this for a long time without ruining it. I've let it sit for 30 minutes or more, and it was delicious.

Now, for the sandwich assembly.

Most places that serve Phillies don't bother with lettuce, tomatoes and mayo, but I am here to tell you to BOTHER WITH IT. It finishes off this sandwich to perfection. Don't leave it off. (Unless you hate that stuff, then do whatever you want.) With the Chive and Onion cream cheese and the lettuce/tomato/mayo combo, you will have a hit on your hands. The HOT meat/veggie/cheese + the cold, crunch of the lettuce/tomato/mayo is divine. DIVINE, I say.
From The Diet Coke Diet


Other than the peppers (which my four year old was offended by) it is ALWAYS a hit at our house. Side with a fruit salad and some chips and your meal is MADE!

Oh, it is just so delicious.

Go try it, and then come back and tell us about it.


TJDKG May 19, 2010 at 7:49 PM  

My Dearest Moran.. why did we never partake of such deliciousness when you lived here? I see how you are.. =) I need to get the stuff and try it..
my problem.. I'm not a fan of the taste of deli roast beef, I know thats odd it just. I guess I'm not a huge roast beef fan. But this sounds good and I know Tod would LOVE it.. mmm

Morgan Hagey May 19, 2010 at 7:57 PM  

Well, what kind of roast beef DO you like? Cuz you can use whatever you want. You can slow roast a real roast and shred it, you could use ham... the list goes on. :)

Unknown May 20, 2010 at 4:35 AM  

Hey Morgs! This is a recipe in my Hagey Fam Cookbook (or one with the same name) that I haven't tried yet. I'm not totally a Philly Cheese steak fan. I may have to try it when meat is not such an aversion. Looks yummy!

Morgan Hagey May 20, 2010 at 6:35 AM  

Amber, yes, it's the same name, but your mom used ground beef I believe and possibly different veggies. I fully admit to stealing the name. :)

Kerri May 20, 2010 at 7:03 AM  

WOW! Looks delicious! GREAT pics to show the whole process.
Stopping in from SITS!

* May 20, 2010 at 9:06 PM  

Ooooh, this looks good!

TJDKG May 21, 2010 at 3:23 PM  

Ham.. we've done ham.. but with pineapple no peppers either mmm

I could make a roast and do it. The Deli roast beef might be ok like that. do you get it thinly sliced? It may be better since you kind of fry it like.

you totally just made me want to go to Great Steak and Potato... mmmm

JuJu,  June 23, 2010 at 11:47 AM  

This sounds so good! I'd love to have the recipe in a more printer-friendly version.

Thanks for sharing!

Morgan Hagey June 23, 2010 at 12:34 PM  

Juju you are SO right. I totally need to enable a printer friendly page for recipes, etc. THANK YOU! I'll get right on it.

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