Book Review: Home School Your Child for Free

>> Thursday, May 27, 2010

By LauraMaery Gold and Joan M. Zielinski

Okay, now I realize that you may not have the slightest inclination or interest or anything to homeschool your children.

So what?

This book has more free resources for family fun, trips, crafts, projects, hikes, etc than you can imagine.

I will qualify this review with saying, OF COURSE this book is ABOUT homeschooling. It discusses curriculum and strategy and all that, but if you're not a homeschooler, you can still use the 1,400 FREE resources that they have complied for your own family adventures.

The book covers preschool-high school graduation, so if you ARE interested in homeschooling or even curriculum enrichment, this book is for you. It is overwhelming, actually, the amount of info that is in this book. It is full of things I never knew existed, like websites dedicated entirely to making your own art supplies. SO fun!

If you're exploring homeschool, then without question, this book is a must. Not only does it have these 1,400 references, but like I mentioned, it breaks down HOW to homeschool. From rigid "school-at-home" to loose "unschooling" it lays it all out. It is SO interesting.

It even addresses the age-old question of "But aren't homeschooled kids weirdos with no social skills?"

Which, is a major concern for many parents who consider homeschool.

I should confess, I have no children in school yet. My oldest has a year until kindergarten, so I am busily exploring our choices and trying to decide what is right for OUR family. We don't know what we're going to do yet and I don't feel this book shoves the homeschooling down my throat. It has neither convinced me or deterred me from wanting to homeschool. It is merely a great resource for families of ALL ages.

In fact, in the first 140 pages, I had marked about 100 websites I want to check out and explore. I have a lot of work to do! (Not to mention the gazillion others from the remainder of the book!)

It is cool.

So, if you're in the market to have fun with your kids, to teach them, or even to improve upon what the are learning already, it's a good one to try out. I definitely recommend it. I am willing to bet, if you didn't want to fork over the $20 for it (although you might want to) that a library would carry it.

Did I mention that each and every resource listed is FREE or has FREE options?


What could be better than that?


Unknown May 29, 2010 at 1:54 PM  

I'll have to check out that book! I tried doing some homeschool preschool curriculum with both of my kids prior to them being of preschool going age. It was a total no go. Luckily, my city has great preschool programs and a great elementary school for my kids to attend. I love the idea of homeschooling, but it just wasn't for me. If you are up to the challenge and your kids do well with it, more power to you!

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